
Primary Stars to host FA Primary Teachers Award

This January, AFC Bournemouth’s Community Sports Trust and the FA will host the FA Primary Teachers Award at the Hamworthy Club.

The six-hour event is open to all qualified or those working towards Primary Schools teaching, as well as Higher Level Teaching Assistants.

It is designed to provide a basic introduction to the skills required when planning a Key Stage 1 or 2 Physical Education lesson, involving football and other invasion games.

The course covers a variety of topics including, movement skills, different types of practices and games which are linked to the National Curriculum as well as how teachers might run school sports teams. 

The course also touches on how differentiation and assessment for learning can be embedded within PE lessons.

There are a limited number of spaces on this year’s course which will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis and all bookings should be made through Premier League Primary Stars project lead, Matt Divine on

For more information, just click here