Club recipes

Club Recipe: Rainbow Ice Lollies

See out the summer with our rainbow ice lollies, perfect for Junior Cherries and easy to make!


  • Fruits of your choice - We used Kiwi, oranges, and strawberries. 
  • 1 litre of sugar-free lemonade 
  • Ice lolly moulds


  1. Wash and slice your fruit (try using cookie cutters to make some fun shapes).
  2. Place your fruit in the moulds, placing one coloured fruit in each layer.
  3. Top the moulds with sugar free lemonade.
  4. Gently tap the moulds on the side to release any of the bubbles.
  5. Freeze overnight.
  6. Enjoy your rainbow ice lollies the next day.

Allergens: Please ensure you check the label on any store brought items as allergens may vary with different suppliers.